Sunday, October 20, 2019

Joint Communique On the Situation of Sanaag and Haylan Regions

Joint Communique on the Situation of Sanaag and Haylan Regions
October 20, 2019
The signed community leaders, members, and representatives of the Makhir Community gathered in a meeting on the 19th of October 2019 in Minneapolis, Minnesota and have issued the following: 
  1. We express our deep concern about Puntland’s arbitrary and capricious directive, which violates Article 61 of the Provisional Constitution, section 1 and 2, which stipulates, When fulfilling his or her duties, …every member of the House of the People of the Federal Parliament has a special responsibility to represent the constituency he or she has been elected from, regardless of their political or party affiliations.  
  2. The Makhir Community fully disagrees with Puntland’s decision to suspend ties with the Federal Government of Somalia (SFG). We believe Puntland administration’s underlying grievances rest on arbitrary and capricious demands, rejection of the fiscal federalism initiative that delineates taxation and efficient and fair allocation of resources, and president Deni’s  insistence on having the SFG derive its authority directly from the Member States, with Puntland having an outsize influence and control over all other 6 Member States.  
  3. We welcome the inauguration of the Federal Constituency Relations and Services office in Dhahar district, Sanaag region. As the Minister of Planning and Economic Development and particularly as our elected representative in the House of the People of the Federal Parliament, the new office will enhance engagement with the community, address pressing concerns,  and “contribute to  progress and development,” per the official statement of the Federal government. 
  4.  We condemn Puntland Ministry of Interior’s decision to release a directive that opposes and threatens the functions of the Constituency Relations and Services office.
  5. We warn that Puntland’s arbitrary and unconstitutional directive punishes and further denies the Makhir Region access to their elected representatives and share of development and growth in the overall state- and nation-building efforts.
  6. We welcome the communique issued by the Elders and Community leaders of Bari Region on October 12th regarding U.A.E’s interference and exploitation of Somalia and its natural and marine resource.
  7. We underscore the fact that Makhir Community fully supports Somalia’s unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. Arbitrary state legislations or departmental directives cannot be passed to pre-empt federal laws for the purpose of punishing other communities in the region.
  8. We remind the Federal Government of Somalia to fulfill its obligations to its citizens in Sanaag, Sool, and the Buhotleh District and to ensure these communities are not deprived of their share of development, security, and economic growth. The Federal government has a moral responsibility to ensure all the 18 regions of Somalia receive fair allocation of resources both at the regional and district level.
  9. While highly cognizant of the serious challenges ahead, we recognize that Somalia is on an upward trajectory and that we commend the achievements of the current administration led by President Abdullahi Mohamed “Farmajo” and his Prime Minister Hassan Ali Kheyre; we encourage the Federal government to stay on its transformational path toward achieving good governance, economic growth and prosperity, stability, and security for the whole country. 


Mohamed A. Elmi

Abdiraxman Mohamed Maacir

Sheikh Dhahar Badmaax

Ahmed Abdi Shire

Gabayre Faarah Mohamed

Abdiaziis Ahmed Muqlis

Abdirizaak Bulqaas

Abdirashid Ahmed Sa’id

Mohamed Abdi Haji

Amina Mohamed Mohamoud

Xuseen Jaamac Fadal

Samira Saeed Korshell

Kaltuun Ali Kaanje

Amina Mohamoud Haji Dirir

The Reunion of Somali Royalty

The Reunion of Somali Royalty